Best Neil Gaiman Adaptations, Ranked

Coraline (Movie)


Adapted by Henry Selick from Neil Gaiman’s bestselling novel of the same name, Coraline tells the fantastic tale of Coraline Jones (voiced by Dakota Fanning), an 11-year-old girl who discovers an other world when she ventures through...

Lucifer (TV Series)


Bored and unhappy as the Lord of Hell, Lucifer has resigned his throne and retired to the City of Angels, where he is indulging in a few of his favorite things — wine, women, song.

Good Omens (TV Series)


The End of the World is coming, which means a fussy Angel and a loose-living Demon who’ve become overly fond of life on Earth are forced to form an unlikely alliance to stop Armageddon.

American Gods (TV Series)


When Shadow Moon is released from prison, he meets the mysterious Mr. Wednesday and a storm begins to brew. Little does Shadow know, this storm will change the course of his entire life.

Stardust (Movie)


Escape into the enchanted world of chivalry and romance in Stardust, an epic tale starring Claire Danes with Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro. In hopes of wooing a beautiful girl (Sienna Miller), Tristan (Charlie Cox) promises to bring her a falling star.