Blue Eye Samurai is an adult animation action-adventure drama series created by Michael Green and Amber Noizumi. The Netflix animated series is set in Japan’s Edo period, and it revolves around a mixed-race swordmaster, Mizu, in her quest for revenge. Blue Eye Samurai’s voice cast includes Maya Erskine, George Takei, Masi Oka, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Brenda Song, Darren Barnet, Randall Park, and Kenneth Branagh. So, if you loved the intense personal drama, brutal action, and compelling characters in Blue Eye Samurai, here are some similar shows you should check out next.
Samurai Champloo (Hulu & Rent on Prime Video)
Samurai Champloo is a Japanese historical action-adventure series written by Masaru Gotsubo. The Adult Swim series revolves around two warriors with completely different personalities who hate each others’ guts. They are brought together by a young woman named Fuu, who wants their help in her quest to find a samurai who smells of sunflowers.
Dororo (Prime Video)
Dororo is a Japanese historical dark fantasy action drama series directed by Kazuhiro Furuhashi. Based on the Japanese manga series of the same name by Osamu Tezuka, the Tokyo MX series follows a mysterious warrior with prosthetic limbs and a young orphan thief who wanders across Japan battling against demons and monsters. Dororo’s voice cast includes Adam Gibbs, Chaney Moore, Mutsumi Sasaki, Naoya Uchida, Blake Jackson, Ty Mahany, and Patricia Duran.
Rurouni Kenshin (Hulu)
Rurouni Kenshin is a Japanese martial arts romantic adventure series directed by Kazuhiro Furuhashi. Based on the manga series of the same name by Nobuhiro Watsuki, the Cartoon Network series follows Himura Kenshin, a former assassin, as he tries to leave his former life behind and becomes a wandering samurai vowing never to take another life again.
Blade of the Immortal (Prime Video)
Blade of the Immortal is a Japanese fantasy action-adventure drama series directed by Hiroshi Hamasaki. Based on the manga series of the same name by Hiroaki Samura, the AT-X series is set in medieval Japan, and it follows a cursed immortal master swordsman. To become mortal again, he must atone for his sins by killing 1000 evil men.
Basilisk (Crunchyroll & Prime Video Add-On)
Basilisk is a Japanese historical action romantic drama series directed by Junji Nishimura. Based on the Japanese manga series by Masaki Segawa, the anime series revolves around twenty ninjas who must fight each other to the death for the possession of a scroll.
Arcane (Netflix & Rent on Prime Video)
Arcane is an adult animation steampunk sci-fi action-adventure series created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee. Based on the popular video game franchise League of Legends by Riot Games, the Netflix series follows the origin story of two iconic League champions, Jinx and Vi, who fight each other from utopian Piltover and the oppressed underground of Zaun. Arcane’s voice cast includes Hailee Steinfeld, Ella Purnell, Kevin Alejandro, Katie Leung, Jason Spisak, and Harry Lloyd.
Mushibugyo (Crunchyroll & Prime Video Add-On)
Mushibugyo is a Japanese anime series directed by Takayuki Hamana. Based on the manga series of the same name by Hiroshi Fukuda, the TXN series is set in an alternate Edo period of Japan, where giant insects have been killing humans for 100 years, and to combat them, the humans have recruited a group of warriors strong enough to fight. We follow the story of Jinbei Tsukishima, a young and cheerful warrior who joins the warrior to atone for the sins of his past.
Ninja Scroll (Prime Video, Crunchyroll & Plex)
Ninja Scroll is a Japanese anime series created by Yoshiaki Kawajiri. The WOWOW series is set in feudal Japan, and it follows Jubei Kibagami, a mercenary ninja tasked with guarding the Dragon Stone and the Priestess of Light from both the Hiruko and Kimon Clans’ forces. Ninja Scroll’s English voice cast includes Dave Rasner, Daisy Tormé, Scott Menville, and Dwight Schultz.
Vinland Saga (Netflix, Crunchyroll & Prime Video Add-On)
Vinland Saga is a Japanese epic historical adventure anime series directed by Shūhei Yabuta. Based on the historical manga of the same name by Makoto Yukimura, the MAPPA series follows Thorfinn, who goes on a quest for revenge against powerful Viking Floki who killed his father while also completing his dream of finding the land of Vinland. Vinland Saga’s English voice cast includes Aleks Le, Laura Stahl, Griffin Burns, Kirk Thornton, Patrick Seitz, and Alejandro Saab.
Gintama (Hulu, Crunchyroll & Prime Video Add-On)
Gintama is a Japanese sci-fi adventure comedy anime series directed by Yoichi Fujita. Based on the manga series of the same name by Hideaki Sorachi, the TV Tokyo series is set in feudal Japan as aliens invade it. However, there is still hope as Gintoki Sakata, an unemployed samurai, forms a squad to fight against them.