Going Dutch is a comedy series created by Joel Church-Cooper. The Fox series follows Colonel Patrick Quinn, an arrogant and narcissistic man who is reassigned to the “least important Army base in the world” after an offensive rant. When he gets there, he discovers that his estranged daughter is already there. Going Dutch stars Denis Leary, Taylor Misiak, Danny Pudi, Lacy Mosley, and Hal Cumpston. So, if you loved the military humor, hilarious comedy, and compelling characters in Going Dutch, here are some similar shows you should check out next.
Enlisted (Rent on Prime Video)
Enlisted is a military fiction comedy series created by Kevin Biegel. The Fox series revolves around three brothers who are soldiers in the US Army as they serve their nation by taking care of those who are left behind after the soldiers deploy. Enlisted stars Geoff Stults, Chris Lowell, Parker Young, Keith David, and Angelique Cabral.
Bluestone 42 (Prime Video & Pluto TV)
Bluestone 42 is a British military fiction comedy series created by Richard Hurst and James Cary. The BBC Three series follows a group of soldiers in a British bomb disposal detachment who risk their lives on a daily basis while defusing bombs and making jokes about them to keep themselves sane. Bluestone 42 stars Oliver Chris, Gary Carr, Jamie Quinn, Scott Hoatson, Katie Lyons, Stephen Wight, Tony Gardner, Kelly Adams, Keeno Lee Hector, Matthew Lewis, and Laura Aikman.
MASH (Hulu & Rent on Prime Video)
MASH is a war medical comedy-drama series created by Larry Gelbart. Based on the 1968 novel by Richard Hooker and its 1970 film adaptation by Ring Lardner Jr., the CBS series is set during the Korean War, and it follows a group of doctors and nurses in a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital who cope with the horrors of war by acting like complete fools while also trying to give their patients exceptional care. MASH stars Alan Alda, Wayne Rogers, McLean Stevenson, Loretta Swit, Larry Linville, Gary Burghoff, Mike Farrell, Harry Morgan, Jamie Farr, and William Christopher.
Major Dad (Hulu)
Major Dad is a comedy series created by Richard C. Okie and John G. Stephens. The CBS series follows Major John D. “Mac” MacGillis, who unexpectedly falls in love with a liberal journalist. After their quick marriage, he becomes the father of three girls. Major Dad stars Gerald McRaney, Shanna Reed, Beverly Archer, Jon Cypher, Nicole Dubuc, Chelsea Hertford, Matt Mulhern, and Marisa Ryan.
Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. (Pluto TV)
Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. is a comedy series created by Aaron Ruben. The CBS series is a spin-off to The Andy Griffith Show, and it follows Gomer Pyle as he joins the Marine Corps, but his inability to cope with military life gets on the nerves of his superior, Sergeant Vince Carter. Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. stars Jim Nabors, Frank Sutton, Ronnie Schell, Forrest Compton, Roy Stuart, and Elizabeth MacRae.
McHale’s Navy (Buy on Amazon)
McHale’s Navy is a comedy series created by Edward Montagne. The ABC series is set during World War II, and it follows Captain Quinton McHale, who leads an oddball crew of Navy men in a PT-73 vessel stationed in the Pacific Ocean. McHale’s Navy stars Ernest Borgnine, Tim Conway, Joe Flynn, and Bob Hastings.
Space Force (Netflix)
Space Force is a military workplace comedy series created by Steve Carell and Greg Daniels. The Netflix series follows General Mark Naird, who is tasked with establishing, creating and overseeing the United States Space Force. Space Force stars Steve Carell, John Malkovich, Ben Schwartz, Diana Silvers, Tawny Newsome, Jimmy O. Yang, and Don Lake.